Sunday, September 7, 2014

Digital Badge #C CH-3

    The Role of Feedback-
Feedback is very important to students. They like to know how they are doing on assignments. If they are on the right track or not. There are teachers out there who don't give much feedback. They just say do the best you can and turn in the assignment. When the students turn in their work and it is wrong, they receive a bad grade because the teacher would not give their input. Yes, student can go online to find some sort of feedback for the work they did, but it is not always the best way to go.

    Information Literacy and Internet Literancy-
I think a required course for middle school students or even starting in the third grade should be a computer class.The computer class can help students how to use a computer properly in school. Also, it can teach students how to look information properly they will need in the future research assignments. From this class it will help student be less overwhelmed and understand more in where to look up their assignment information.

    Group work and Collaboration-
Group work is great for students when the teacher wants to work with students on an individual level. It give students more opportunity to come up with to right answer. But, one teacher says, "The computer is its own grown-up." I don't agree with that. Yes, the computer can keep groups occupied and busy doing what needs to be done, but don't see it as an adult who supervises the children. Student might be at task one minute but not the next. They can get into something they should not be in.

Photo by lizkentleon on Flickr
We as teachers have to make sure students know what they are doing when working on assignments by giving as much feedback as we can. As students learn to use computer in school, they can become better at looking up information and doing assignments. Working with peer will help them brainstorm together to come up with the right answers. With the students use of technology they can become teacher for the teachers in helping them understand how to use the technology.

 Maloy, R. W. (2014). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

 20 Ways To Provide Effective Feedback For Learning -. (n.d.). TeachThought. Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Feedback is such an important concept for both the teacher to provide to the student about their work, but also about the student providing to the teacher about how they view their understanding of the content. And, then there's the feedback students can provide to teachers about how they are teaching. Ultimately, it is about the honest conversation and evaluation of the subject at hand. We do it informally and formally, but it's information give us a way to change in the positive direction. :) Good to see that you explored some other information regarding feedback via TeachThought, too!
