Sunday, September 28, 2014


Social Networking for Education-
It's cool how students and teachers can now have a educational network. A place where students can go online to communicate with the teacher and classmates. A site where you can make private just for your students and to make it as creative as you want for the students. "Many teachers are now engaging in educational networking (also called social networking for educators)." Teachers are able to talk with other teacher about their curriculum. Assign classwork and homework  on here for students. One day teachers and schools may no longer be needed, everything would be online based. Students will be able to complete their educational learning at home online. Of course there will have to be deadlines for the work so students don't just put it off.

Understanding Textspeak and Textism-
Textspeak is a positive thing when it comes to students reading and writing. Teachers are able to read the students work and understand what they are saying. It does not effect their grammar much. But what I don't get is how it effects the students health. "Hyper-texting/hyper-networking youngsters (between 11 and 20% of the students in the study) were found to be more likely to engage in health risks such as cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug use, binge drinking, or sexual activity." From studying how students text, how can they come up with this.

Creating Your Own Teaching Blog-
 At the end of each school day teachers should allow students 10 to 15 minutes to write a blog about their day. "Blogs usually have a definite point of view and students can analyze the ideological perspectives of different sites on issues ranging from immigration reform to global warming" The students can write about what they learning that day, or what they might still need help with. It's good to have parents involved in their child's education, they can see how their child is doing in school. They can also give them help on what may be needed. Having a teacher parent relationship is a plus because it is a sign of showing parents are willing to take time from their busy day to work with their child in helping them understand what needs to be taught.

I can't wait to see how technology will improve in school over the next five years. I believe more work will be done online and teachers will be their to assist the students. I would be amazing if more classes today work create a daily blog even if its just for a student to read other post. The blog might help the student write more of what they feel the keeping it to themselves.

chapter 8
Maloy, R. W. (2014). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson.


  1. I agree with the first strategy you spoke about, but I do not like the idea of no longer having teachers or schools for kids because everything would be done online. I mean it wouldn't be a bad idea because teachers would be able to stay home and if they have kids spend more time with them or take care of whatever they need to do, but I do not think it would be possible anyways. We will always need teachers and schools because of the different learning speeds and different ways of learning. The network would not be so helpful for teachers to help with all of that. On the other hand, I do agree that all teachers should have their students create a blog and have them write on it the last 15 minutes of class or even do it for homework. This will give the students the opportunity to write what they have learned and what they still have trouble on. The teacher will also have the opportunity to read them all and know who to help on what if help is still needed. Teachers will also be able to see each students progress using the blog and throughout the school year, great idea ! By the way one last thing I want to mention before I end this, I love the comic strip you did, very unique .

  2. See how a personal blog can also become a forum for conversation - with the previous commenter having a chance to express their own opinion and provide their own thought process and reasoning.

    I like that you are always thinking of how these ideas may or may not work practically in your own classroom situation. It is interesting to look ahead in the next 5 years and predict what communication/collaboration tools will stick and which ones may be replaced with 'bigger and better' tools. Blogs are such an important tool for personal reflection - a process that really does help make meaning to your own learning.
